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Will this function-first, fuel-sipping hybrid tick all the boxes?
News2025 Toyota Corolla Hybrid is practical, offers excellent value, low fuel-consumption, impressive reliability and blends functionality with amenities.
My daughter’s great-aunt wants to give her a car but it has an oil leak. Is it worth fixing?
NewsHyundai Santa Fe’s V6 has known fault that creates a big leak: the engine oil-pressure switch. The part is inexpensive, but it takes time to replace.
My vehicle got stolen. What happens now? How can I stop this from happening again?
NewsThe McEwens’ 2020 Acura RDX sport utility was plucked off the street at 3:30 one Sunday morning last October. That’s when the drama began ….
I need a new car so I went to the AutoShow to check vehicles out
NewsWheels mechanic, Brian Early, joins a friend and her husband at the show to scope out vehicles as she decides what to buy to replace her aging Chevy.